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Healing. Retinol Scrub

Healing. Retinol Scrub

This scrub is all you need to fully heal.

(Facial Scrub/Serum)- Retinol, skin renewing scrub (Brown Sugar+Honey+Calendula) 🌞🌻

The ingredients infused within the scrub all adhere to goals of healing.

The major ingredient is finely ground brown sugar. Brown sugar has many benefits for the skin like: promoting new cell growth, rehydrates skin, turns back sun/tanning damage, makes skin glow, removes scars, and stifles acne.

The herbs used in the scrub are a variety of healing herbs, flowers and oils like: calendula, vanilla, tea tree oil, vitamin E oil and cinnamon.

All of these ingredients are used metaphysically to promote love, strength and healing as well!

    1 Ounce
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